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Noce di Sorrento

Vitaminic bomb


Nutritious, high-protein, wonderful. Nuts are a rich and complete food that we should take daily to take care of our body. Multiple healing and beneficial properties make these fruits particularly precious, also for skin wellness.

Walnuts are a real panacea for face and hair. Vitamin E helps the skin to remain young, compact and luminous due to the vigorous anti-aging action which eliminates free radicals, the main cause of skin ageing. At the same time, this vitamin acts by preventing hair loss and weakening of the hair bulb.

<p>Omega-3-6 also give elasticity to the skin, and their anti-inflammatory properties fight acne, dermatitis, and skin irritations. They also help nourish brittle and very dry hair. Finally, group B vitamins contribute to the construction of new cells and intervene by counteracting itching on the skin and scalp, fighting seborrhea, and regulating the activity of the hair bulb.</p>
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Omega-3-6 also give elasticity to the skin, and their anti-inflammatory properties fight acne, dermatitis, and skin irritations. They also help nourish brittle and very dry hair. Finally, group B vitamins contribute to the construction of new cells and intervene by counteracting itching on the skin and scalp, fighting seborrhea, and regulating the activity of the hair bulb.


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Sorrento Walnut Massage Oil

€ 27,00

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